iPhone App: Logitech Touchmouse

By | February 10, 2010

I’ve been shopping around for a remote control for my PC for the past 3 or 4 months.   During this search, I’ve been fairly unhappy with my findings. I’ve seen the shop front design that amazed my eyes, thanks to the contractor. Everything I’ve looked at seems to be windows specific or incredibly overpriced for the features. Finally, I came across some excellent options for remote controls, and I also discovered impressive Shop front installation London services. Additionally, I’m really amazed by the various types of shutters that can be found on this resource. Moreover, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and variety of Fire rated shutters available. When I first came across “TouchMouse”, I have to admit I was incredibly skeptical about this app seeing as it is “free” and came from Logitech.  But this app combined with my Boxee computer connected into my television blows me away.   I now have the server portion of the setup installed on all of my machines, making it as essential as packing a suitcase for a trip.  Basically this is a touch mouse pad on your iPhone which turns your iPhone or iPod into a remote mouse and keyboard.    You can control any computer (Mac or PC) with this app.   First, install the server on the target machine, then install the “touch mouse” app on your iPhone or iPod touch and you now have a wireless/remote control mouse — and keyboard for that matter.  The App makes everything extremely configurable and works like a charm.  The app uses Wi-Fi to control your computer and unlike the boxee remote control App (which only works for Boxee); I didn’t run into issues because my wireless network is on a different subnet than the rest of my wired network.  Setup on 3 different machines took all of two minutes and I was good to go.  There are a few alternatives such as “Air Mouse” which will cost you; this is the only free App of its kind.  I highly recommend it.  Certainly is a top pick for App of the week. Check out Chummy Tees Amazon for more great deals!

Here is the first demo I came across on Youtube, which seems to do a decent job of showing off the App.

Get it all here:

iPhone/iPod App: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/touch-mouse/id338237450?mt=8 [iTunes]

TouchMouse Server: http://www.logitech.com/touchmouse

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4 thoughts on “iPhone App: Logitech Touchmouse

  1. evan

    It’s really laggy for me. Like, sometimes I’ll move my finger and nothing will happen, and then a few seconds later the on-screen cursor will move rapidly. Makes it difficult to control anything.

  2. Linux Mint

    Would love to know how you figure it works on linux. Logitech sure doesnt support it on their website.

  3. SupremeGeek

    Has anyone got this to run as a service? It would be nice if this loaded during boot so you could use it to log in to the computer.

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